






Thomas Homer Saunders








(Under the Sprig of Alexander (Alisaundre) the Great,

from which the surname is derived and which

came into existence during the thirteenth

and fourteenth centuries)


Printed by C. Tinling & Co., Ltd., Liverpool






The family of SAUNDERS, SANDERS, and SANDARS is of very ancient descent, and has produced many prominent members, amongst whom in the mail line we find: SIR WILLIAM and SIR THOMAS SAUNDERS, M.P., High Sheriffs of Sussex and Surrey (1553), SIR EDWARD SAUNDERS, M.P., Lord Chief Justice (1576), DR. NICHOLAS SANDERS, celebrated Catholic controversialist and historian (1581), Sir EDMOND SAUNDERS, Judge (1683), REAR-ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE SAUNDERS, M.P., a Commissioner of His Majesty’s Navy (1734), whose brother CAPTAIN AMBROSE SAUNDERS, of Woodhall, near Manchester, was father of ADMIRAL SIR CHARLES SAUNDERS, P.C., K.B., M.P., Commander-in-Chief of the British Fleet with Wolfe at Quebec (described by historians as "one of the great men of the eighteenth century’), who afterwards became First Lord of the Admiralty and who is buried in the Islip Chapel in Westminster Abby (1775), whose grand-nieces married Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville, from whom Sir Richard Saunders Dundas descended, a celebrated Admiral in charge of the British Fleet in the Baltic during the Crimean War (1855), and John Fane, 10th Earl of Westmoreland. Frith, in "Naval Songs and Ballads," has written concerning him: -

Neptune with wonder heard the story

Of George’s sway and Britain’s glory,

Which time shall ne’er subdue;

Boscawen’s deeds and SAUNDERS’ fame,

Join’d with brave Wolfe’s immortal name,

Then cried, "Can this be true?"

MORLEY SAUNDERS, LL.D., M.P., for Enniscorthy; JOHN CUNNINGHAM SAUNDERS, a famous Ophthalmic Surgeon; JOHN COMPTON SAUNDERS, whose mother was Rebecca Compton of the Marquess of Northampton’s family; ROBERT SAUNDERS, a Colonel in Cromwell’s Army, who was appointed Governor of Kinsale; SIR JOHN SAUNDERS, of Shottesbrook Park, near Windsor (1530); THOMAS SAUNDERS, Governor of Madras, who married Christian Pitt, aunt of the Earl of Chatham; ABRAHAM SAUNDERS, High Sheriff of Bristol (1681); JOHN SAUNDERS, a prominent Abbot of Sherborne, Dorsetshire, under whose direction a considerable portion of Sherborne Abbey was built; RICHARD SAUNDERS, J.P. for Bedfordshire, who married a member Ellen Franklin of Sir John Franklin’s family, a member of which, as an author, used the pseudonym of "RICHARD SAUNDERS"; SIR JOHN SAUNDERS, Prebendary of Wingham and Vicar of Ash, near Sandwich, Kent (1496); WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Mayor of Coventry (1469), which City in early times had an Elephant as its crest, from which it is supposed the Saunders’ Armorial Bearings of Three Elephants’ Heads originated; EDMOND SAUNDERS, who married Philippa, daughter of Sir Edward Gage, K.B., of Firle Park, Sussex (Viscount Gage’s family); SIR NICHOLAS SAUNDERS, M.P., whose seventh grandfather was King Edward III through his mother, who was Isabella Carew, daughter of Sir Nicholas Carew, K.G., Lieutenant of Calais, and sister of Sir Francis Carew, of Beddington, Surry; ANDERSON SAUNDERS, M.P. for Taghmon, CLEMENT SAUNDERS, the son of SIR WILLIAM SAUNDERS, who was Chief Carver-in-Ordinary to Kings Charles, James II, and William III, who is buried in the East Wall of St. John-the-Evangelist’s Chapel, Westminster Abbey; EDWARD SAUNDERS, M.P. for Gatton, Surrey (1680), SIR JOHN SAUNDERS, Vicar of Halstow, Kent (1496); HENRY SAUNDERS, who married Gertrude Drake, niece of the celebrated Admiral, Sir Francis Drake (1580), SAMUEL SANDERS, who married Cecily Armine, daughter of Sir Walter Armine, whose ancestor had been Chancellor of Salisbury and Bishop of Norwich, and whose sister Ann married Sir Thomas Wodehouse (Earl of Kimberley’s family); JOHN SANDERS, who married Mary Langton, whose brother was Sir John Langton, High Sheriff of Lincolnshire, descended from the family of Stephen Langton, elected by the Pope Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of King John; SIR THOMAS SAUNDERS, who married a daughter of Sir David Watkins; SIR WILLIAM SAUNDERS, who was Rector of Hinton, Northamptonshire (1452); JOHN SAUNDERS, who married Margaret Boleyn whose great-aunt Ann married Henry VIII; LEONARD SAUNDERS, who married Elizabeth Roper (Baron Teynham’s family), whose brother William married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England, who was beheaded on Tower Hill for refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy and whose "Utopia" is one of the world’s noted books (1535): Eleanor Roper, sister of Elizabeth, married Sir ohn Digby; RICHARD SAUNDERS, of Charlwood, who married Agnes Courtenay of the Earls of Devon, whose cousin, Sir William Courtenay, married Catherine, daughter of Edward IV, and whose great-uncle married Matilda, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Kent, by his wife Joan, the daughter of Edmund of Woodstock, the son of Edward I. Sir Hugh Courtenay, Earl of Devon, his grandfather, married Margaret, the daughter of Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford, by Elizabeth, his wife, the daughter of Edward I ; AMBROSE SAUNDERS, who married Mary, the daughter of Sir John Goodwin, Kt., from whom Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, K.B., M.P., descended; FRANCIS SAUNDERS, who married Susan, daughter of Sir Robert Lovett; THOMAS SAUNDERS, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Heneage Proby, a member of whose family afterwards married a son of the 1st Marquess of Abercorn (Duke of Abercorn); SIR JOHN SAUNDERS, of Bedfordshire; SIR THOMAS SAUNDERS, who married Agnes Harrington, whose mother was a daughter of Lord Clifford: Sarah, daughter of Sir James Harrington, married Francis, Lord Hastings, son of the Earl of Huntingdom; EDWARD SAUNDERS, who married a daughter of Lord Zouch of Harrington, Northamptonshire; LAURENCE SAUNDERS, the brother of Sir Edward Saunders, M.P., who suffered martyrdom at Coventry, rather than surrender his faith (1555); NICHOLAS SAUNDERS, who married Joan Iwarby (or Ewarby), the widow of Sir John St. John, and only daughter of Sir Iwarby by his wife Catherine, daughter of Sir Hugh Annesley (Earl of Anglesey), 1512; REV. ERASMUS SAUNDERS, M.A., of Jesus College, Oxford, the Author of "A Domestic Charge or the Duty of Household Governors" (1700); THOMAS SAUNDERS, High Sheriff of Surrey (1677); SIR MATTHEW SAUNDERS, who married Margaret Skipwirth (Sir Grey Humberston-D’Estoteville Skipwirth’s family); NICOLAS SAUNDERS, M.P. for Bletchingly, Surrey (1553); WILLIAM SAUNDERS, of Compton Martin, who married Ann Bouchier, whose ancestor was Sir William Bouchier, Count of Ewe, who married Ann, daughter of Thomas of Woodstock, the son of Edward III; FRANCIS SAUNDERS, who married Catherine, eldest daughter of Sir Henry Jerningham, 1st Bart. (Sir Henry Stafford Jeringham’s family); THOMAS SAUNDERS, who married Elizabeth Bathurst, whose father was an Alderman of the City of London, of Earl Bathurst’s family; RICHARD SAUNDERS, M.P., High Sheriff of Wexford (1707); ROBERT SAUNDERS, M.P., Prime Sergeant-in-Law (1707); LAURENCE SAUNDERS, who married Frances Shuckburgh, of the family of Sir Gerald Francis Stewkley Shuckburgh, Bart., High Sheriff of Warwickshire; HENRY SAUNDERS, Mayor of Shaftesbury; RICHARD SAUNDERS, celebrated astrologer; WILLIAM SAUNDERS, who married Joan, daughter of Sir John Spencer, ancestor of the Duke of Marlborough; JOHN SAUNDERS, novelist and dramatist; MELANCTHON SAUNDERS, of Burstow Lodge, Surry (1785); HUMPHREY SAUNDERS, of Mapowder, Dorsetshire, who married Edith Pitt (Earl of Chatham’s family); JOHN SAUNDERS, of Weymouth, who married Margaret, sister of Andrew Pitt, of Weymouth, of the same family; THOMAS SAUNDERS, who married Margaret Cave, descended from Sir John Cave of the family of the Rev. Genille Cave-Browne-Cave, 12th Bart.; JOHN SAUNDERS, Prior of Sherborne (1459); SIR RICHARD SAUNDERS, an eminent divine (1550); HENRY SAUNDERS, Mayor of Guildford (1690); EDWARD SAUNDERS, who married Milicent Temple, of the family of Earl Temple of Stowe; REV. ANTHONY SAUNDERS, D.D., of Uffington, Berkshire (1654), and his son, REV. ANTHONY SAUNDERS D.D., founder of the Uckfield Grammar School, Sussex (1718), whose mother was Margaret Wentworth, descended from Henry Wentworth, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry, son of Sir John Howard, and from Sir Thomas Wentworth, Leader of the House of Commons, afterwards made Earl of Strafford, who was executed (1641). Mary, her cousin, married Thomas, Lord Howard of Effingham, and a daughter of Sir Nicholas Wentworth married Sir Thomas, son of Ulric, Earl of Clanricarde, by Margaret his wife, the daughter of Richard FritzAlan, Earl of Arundel (1640); Margaret, second daughter of Sir Henry Wentworth, married Sir John Seymour (Duke of Somerset’s family), and was mother of Thomas, Lord Seymour, nephew of Edward VI, who married Queen Catherine Parr, widow of Henry VIII, EDWARD SAUNDERS, the foster brother of Queen Elizabeth, and in recent years : -


SIR EDWIN SAUNDERS; the Honble. A.C. SAUNDERS, K.C., Prime Minister of Prince Edward Island (and also Attorney-General); ROBERT JOSEPH PRATT SAUNDERS, C.B., J.P., D.L., of Saunders Grove, Wicklow, High Sheriff of that county, and A.D.C. to the Duke of Marlborough, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (ob. 1908); SIR SIDNEY SMITH SAUNDERS, C.M.G.; SIR CHARLES RENAULT SAUNDERS, K.C.M.G., Civil Commissioner of Zululand; RT. REV. CHARLES JOHN GODFREY SAUNDERS, Lord Bishop of Ludlow; WILLIAM FRANCIS ALLEN SAUNDERS, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff of Lancashire; EDWARD HENRY SAUNDERS, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff of Tipperay (1900); RT. Hon. J.S. SANDARS, P.C., C.V.O., who was Private Secretary to the Rt. Honble A.J. Balfour as Prime Minister; AUGUSTUS SAUNDERS, Headmaster of Charterhouse School (1832); JOHN DRYSDALE SANDARS, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff of Derbyshire (1902), who married a daughter of the 5th Baron Graves; WILLIAM SAUNDERS, M.P. for East Hull, a prominent land reformer (1870); SIR CHARLES JOHN HUGH SANDERS; C.B.E.; SIR EDGAR CHRISTIAN SANDERS; BENJAMIN LAURENCE SAUNDERS, J.P., D.L., High Sheriff of Herefordshire (1880), J.C. SAUNDERS, Deputy Minister of Finance for Canada; BRIG.-GENERAL ARTHUR RICHARD CARELESS SANDERS, who married a relative of Sir William Springett, of Ringmer, Sussex; W. S. SAUNDERS, M.P. for Norht Battersea; RICHARD SAUNDERS, of Newtorn, Ireland, 17th in a direct line from Edward I, through his mother, a daughter of Owen Wynne, Esq., whose great-grandfather married Catherine, daughter of Claud, Lord Strabane whose mother was Lady Jean Gordon, 4th daughter of the Marquess of Huntley; DANIEL ELLIS SAUNDERS, whose mother was Elizabeth Ellis of Lord Howard de Walden’s family; AUGUSTUS SAUNDERS, D.D., Dean of Peterborough, Northamptonshire; ARTHUR LESLIE SAUNDERS, C.S.I., V.D., I.C.S., Commissioner U.P., India, and Member of Legislative Council of Governor-General; A.C. SAUNDERS, Librarian of the Socie’te’ Jersiaise; SIR ROBERT SANDERS (Baron Bayford), a Junior Lord of the Treasury and an Under Secretary for War; COL. CYRIL SAUNDERS, D.S.O., in command of British troops in Khartoum, 1922-3; LIEUT.-COL. E.C. SANDARS, C.M.G., and many others.


Prominently in the female line we have:


JOAN SANDERS, who married Sir Richard Lee, ancestor of the Earls of Litchfield; ISABELLA SAUNDERS, who married the ancestor of Sir Roger Twysden, Bart.; MARGARET SAUNDERS, who married John Leigh, whose son, Sir John, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas West, who was the second son of Lord Delawarr (Earl De La Warr’s family); ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, who married Thomas Catesby, whose mother was a daughter of Sir Robert Lytton, and the grandson of Sir William Catesby, High Sheriff of Northamptonshire, whose relative, Robert, was connected with the Gunpowder Plot. Elizabeth afterwords married Francis Lumley, of the family of Sir Thomas Lumley (Earl of Scarborough’s family), who married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV; MARGARET SAUNDERS, daughter of Sir Thomas Saunders, M.P., King’s Remembrancer of the Exchequer, of Surrey, by his wife Alice, daughter of Sir Edmund Walsingham, Lieutenant of the Tower of London (a near relative of Walsingham, Secretary of State to Queen Mary). Frances, daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham, married Richard, son of the Earl of Clanricarde by Margaret his wife, daughter of Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel; Margaret Saunders married Thomas Goodyere, son of Sir Francis Goodyere by his wife, who was a daughter of Sir Ralph Rowlett of Herfordshire; ALICE SAUNDERS, who married Sir John Cooke and was grandmother of Mildred, who married William Cecil, 1st Lord Burghley, Queen Elizabeth’s celebrated Treasurer, and became great-grandmother of Robert Cecil, Marquess of Salisbury, whose son, William (2nd Earl), married Catherine, daughter of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, and whose granddaughter married John, Lord Russell of Bedford (from whose daughter, Ann, who married the 1st Marquess of Worcester, the Duke of Beaufort, is descended), and Sir Nicholas Bacon, father of Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England; FRANCES SAUNDERS, daughter of Robert Saunders of Weymouth, who married William Russell, descended from Henry Russell, M.P. for Weymouth, whose cousin John, Lord Russell, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Anthony Cooke, whose mother was Alice Saunders, daughter of William Saunders of Banbury, Oxfordshire, from whom the Duke of Bedford is descended; BRIDGETT SAUNDERS, who married Sir Robert Willoughby, son of the 4th Baron Willoughby de Eresby (Baron Willoughby de Broke’s family), whose mother was Alice, daughter of Sir William Skipwith, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer; HONORA SAUNDERS, who married Willoughby Skipwith of the same family; CHRISTIAN SAUNDERS, who married Christopher Bretton, whose son, Robert Bretton, was Deputy Recorder of Northampton (1675), of the family of Lord Monk Bretton, C.B.; FRANCES SAUNDERS, who married Richard Wolfe, and was great-grandmother of Major-General James Wolfe of Quebec fame, whose striking monument is seen in Westminster Abbey; CORDELLA SAUNDERS, who married George Pendred, Esq., High Sheriff of Wicklow, whose son, Morley, adopted the surname of Saunders, and married Lady Martha Stratford, daughter of John, Earl of Aldborough; FRANCES SAUNDERS, who married Richard Grenville, whose brother Edward married Dorothy Thynne (Marquess of Bath’s family), from whose family George Grenville, the celebrated statesman, descended; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Sir John Drury, Kt.; JERIMA SAUNDERS, who married Sir Edward Synge, Bart., High Sheriff of Cork; ANN SAUNDERS, who married John Inglett-Fortescue, of the family of Earl Fortescue; CATHERINE SAUNDERS, who married Robert Read, a son of Judge Read; FRANCES SAUNDERS, who married Paul Darrel, a near relative of Sir Richard Darrel, who married Margaret, daughter of Edmund, Duke of Somerset, whose grandfather was John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the son of Edward III. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Darrel, married John St. Maur (Seymour), Duke of Somerset’s family; CATHERINE SAUNDERS, who married Hugh Carlyle, a near relative of Thomas Carlyle, the essayist and historian; JOAN SAUNDERS, who married Edward Rich of the family of Lord Rich (Earl of Warwick’s family), who was Speaker of the House of Commons and Lord Chancellor of England in 1547, from whom has descended Sir Almeric Edmund Frederick Rich, 5th Bart.; JANE SAUNDERS, who married Clement Villiers (Earl of Jersey’s family); ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, whose grandmother was Elizabeth Cromwell, granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell by Elizabeth his wife, the daughter of Sir James Bourchier; JANE SAUNDERS, who married Sir Alexander Clifford, of the family of Baron Clifford of Chudleigh; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Edmond Fisher, a member of Lord Fisher’s family; ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, who married Francis son of Sir John Kennedy; GRACE SAUNDERS, who married Maurice Osborne, from whom descended Vice-Admiral Osborne, a prominent colleague of Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, (Duke of Leeds’s family); ANN SAUNDERS, who married Richard Browne, son of Sir Matthew Browne of the family of the Earl of Kenmore; ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, who married John Napier of Baron Napier’s family; JANE SAUNDERS, who married Sir Richard Bray, of Ewell, Surrey, whose sons were Sir John Bray and Saunders Bray, of the family of Baron Brave; HARRIET SAUNDERS, who married William Bishop, of Cattistock, Dorsetshire, whose daughter Elizabeth married Major-General Sir Francis Wheeler, Bart., C.B., of Warwickshire; ELIZABEH SAUNDERS, who married Henry Pitt (Earl of Chatham’s family), of Alton, Hampshire, whose son John ("John Pitaeus") was author of the celebrated "De Illustribus Angliae Scriptoribus"; MARTHA SAUNDERS, of Sopley, Hampshire, who married Henry Pitt, of Ringwood (Earl of Chatham’s family); MARY SAUNDERS, the daughter of Sir Edward Saunders, M.P., Lord Chief Justice of England, by his first wife Margaret (Sir Edward’s second wife was Agnes Hussey, of Shapwick, Dorsetshire, the widow of Walter Curzon, of Waterperry, Oxfordshire), the daughter of Sir Thomas Inglefield, who married Thomas, the son of Judge Morgan. Ann, daughter of Thomas Morgan, married Henry, Lord Hunsdon, whose mother was Mary Boleyn (sister of Anne who married Henry VIII), daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn, Viscount Rochford and Earl of Wiltshire, buy his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk (1596); ALICE SAUNDERS, who was the mother of the noted Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor of Engalnd, to whom Queen Elizabeth gave Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, and who is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral; DOROTHY SAUNDERS, who married Humphrey Newton, of Sir Issac Newton’s family; AUDREY SAUNDERS, who married Sir George Villiers (who by his second wife, Agnes Beaumont, was the father of the great Duke of Buckingham), from whom are descended the Earls of Jersey. Edward Saunders, her brother, married Susan MacWilliams, the sister of Ann, who married Arthur Stourton, brother of Lord Stourton, of Owremoigne, Dorsetshire; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Nicholas Beaumont, whose sons were Sir Thomas and Sir Henry, the ancestor of Viscount Beaumont; ISABELLA SAUNDERS, who married Walter Curzon (a branch of the Marquess Curson of Keddleston’s family); ANN MARIA SAUNDERS, the daughter of Sir George Saunders, M.P., who married Colonel William Egerton, M.P. for Buckinghamshire; SUSAN SAUNDERS, who married Robert Pleydell, from whom Viscount Downe is descended; ALICE SAUNDERS, daughter of Edmund Saunders of Long Sutton, who married Walter Pears of the celebrated Pears’ Soap family ("He won’t be happy till he gets it"); JANE SAUNDERS, who married Sir John Guise, 4th Bart., M.P., whose daughter, Jane, married the Rt. Rev. Shute Barrington, D.D., Bishop of Durham, and from who, has descended Sir Anselm William Guise, 6th Bart.; HARRIET SAUNDERES, who married James Morris, a Governor of the Bank of England; CONSTANCE SAUNDERS, who married Edward Sherwood, of Buckinghamshire, a near relative of Sir John Sherwood, of Bere Regis; HESTER SAUNDERS, who married Bryan I’Anson (Earl of Lichfield’s family), and was a great-aunt of Admiral Lord George Anson, First Lord of the Admiralty, the navigator of great eminence, whose "Voyage Round the World" is so well known, and who took Admiral Sir Charles Saunders with him; MARGARET SAUNDERS, who married William Parker (of the family of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker), who was also with Admiral Lord George Anson in his famous voyage; SUSAN SAUNDERS, who married Ralph Butler, son of Sir Henry Butler, of Middlesex; JOAN SAUNDERS, who married William Russell, and whose son, William Russell, was Treasurer of the Royal Navy (1630); SARAH SAUNDERS, who married Thomas Tregonwell, descended from Sir John Tregonwell, to who Henry VIII gave Milton Abbey in Dorsetshire; CATHERINE SAUNDERS, who married Sir Walter Pye; FRANCES SAUNDERS, eldest daughter of Sir Nicholas Saunders, M.P., who married Edward Warham, of Osmington, Dorsetshire, of Archbishop Warham’s family; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Sir Bartholomew Tate (Sir William Tate, their grandson, married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Lord Zouche), and afterwards Sir Thomas Longueville, whose descendants became connected with the 1st Earl of Derwentwater, Sir Francis Radcliff, who married Mary, the daughter of King Charles II, with whose family William Henry Radcliffe Saunders is connected, and John, son of Sir Kenelm Digby; MARIE SAUNDERS, who married Richard Bagot, whose son, Walter, married Elizabeth Cave, whose mother was Margaret Cecil, sister of William Cecil, Lord Burgley, from whom is descended Baron Bagot, J.P., D.L., A.D.C., to the Governor-General of Canada; DOROTHY SAUNDERS, who married Sir John Throckmorton, of the family of Sir Richard Charles Action Throckmorton, 10th Bart.; ELLEN SAUNDERS, who married William Duncombe (Earl of Feversham’s family), whose son, Sir Saunders Duncombe, M.P., was the first to introduce Sedan Chairs into this country, in 1634; CATHERINE SAUNDERS, who married Cornelius Ogle, son of Sir John Ogle, from whom has descended Sir Edmund Ashton Ogle, 8th Bart.; MARGARET SAUNDERS, a celebrated actress, daughter of Jonathan Saunders, of Weymouth, who frequently performed at Drury Lane Theatre, whose grandfather was Captain Wallis, of Weymouth (1744); LOUISA JOSEPHINE SAUNDERS, who married Sir Henry de Hoghton, Bart; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Stephen Cope, whose son, Anthony, married Ann, the daughter of Sir Humphrey Stafford, son of the Duke of Buckingham, whose mother was Ann, daughter of Thomas of Woodstock, the son of Edward III, whose brother, Henry Stafford, married Catherine Woodville, sister of the Queen and daughter of Sir Richard Woodville, Earl Rivers, by Jacquetta of Luxemburg, who was formerly the wife of John, Duke of Bedford, the great-grandson of Edward III, whose first wife, Ann, was daughter of John, Duke of Burgundy; DOROTHY SAUNDERS, who married Francis Ingoldsby, from whom we get the Marquess of Winchester; SUSAN SAUNDERS, who married John Courthorpe, whose great-grandson, Sir George Courthrope, J.P., of Kent, married Alice, daughter of Sir George Rivers; MARGARET SAUNDERS, who married Thomas Penn, a near relative of the celebrated William Penn, who founded Pennsylvania; ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, who married Sir James Altham, K.B., M.P., Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer (1589), whose granddaughters by his first wife both married at the age of ten years only (1) Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of Anglesey and Viscount Valentia, (2) Richard Vaughan, Earl of Carberry. Sir James’s great-grandniece, Mary Hawtrey, married Sir John Bankes, Lord Chief Justice, of Corfe Castle, and was the celebrated lady defender of the castle in 1660. John Saunders, of Dinton, Buckinghamshire, married Ann, daughter of Sir William Hawtrey of this family; URSULA SAUNDERS, who married Thomas Hungerford, descended from Sir Walter Hungerford, whose grandmother on her mother’s side was Catherine, the daughter of Sir Hugh Annesley (another Catherine of this family was mother of Charles and John Wesley); FRANCES SAUNDERS, the mother of the eminent antiquary, Sir Henry Spelman, who is buried in Westminster Abbey, who married Lady Elinor L’Strange, who is also buried there; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Edmund Kyrvill, whose daughter Ann married Sir Clement Spelman; ELIZABETH SAUNDERS, who married Sir Thomas Newman, from whose family Cardinal Newman descended, who wrote "Lead, Kindly Light" and the "Dream of Gerontius"; MARY SAUNDERS, who married John Cripps, of Somerset, a member of Lord Parmour’s family; FRANCES SAUNDERS, who married Thomas Gilbert, of the family of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who added Newfoundland to the British possessions, and who was the stepbrother of Sir Walter Raleigh; ANN SAUNDERS, who married another member of the Gilbert family; JANE SAUNDERS, of Saunders Court, Wexford, who married Arthur, 1st Earl of Arran, from whom are descended the Earls of Arran (Baron Saunders); ELIZA BENITA SANDERS, who married Baron Hotham; DOROTHY SAUNDERS, daughter of John Saunders, Provost or Oriel College, Oxford, who married Sir Orlando Bridgeman, 1st Bart. (Earl of Bradford’s family), from whom has descended Lady Florence Katherine Bridgeman, who married the 5th Earl of Harewood, and is the mother of Viscount Lascelles; ANN SAUNDERS, who married Sir Edward Sebright, High Sheriff of Worceststershire (and secondly, Charles Lyttleton, eldest son of Sir Charles Lyttleton, Viscount Cobham’s family), from whom is descended, through Henrietta Saunders Sebright, who married Henry, the 2nd Earl of Harewood, Viscount Laselles, who married Princess Mary, now the Countess of Harewood, the daughter of our present King and Queen, His majesty King George V and Queen Mary.




In the earliest records of this country we find the family of ALEXANDER, spelt ALISAUNDRE – ALISANDRE, holding important positions as early as 1250. The line of descent is as follows :


COUNT ALEXANDER (whose Arms are shown in the Rose Window of Wilton Church, nr. Salisbury, and in Harleian MS. at the British Museum, No. 6137), the son of EUDO, LORD of MONTAGU and CHAGNY in France, who was the son of ALEXANDER, the son of HUGH III, the son of EUDO, DUKE of BURGUNDY (who married MARY, the daughter of THEOBALD, COUNT of CHAMPAGNE, the grandson of WILIAM THE CONQUEROR, and brother of KING STEPHEN of ENGLAND), descended from ROBERT, KING of FRANCE, 1032, came into England during the reign of HENRY III, circa 1220, HUGH III, by his first wife, ALICE, daughter of MATTHEW, DUKE of LORRAINE, whose ancestors were the COUNTS of HAPSBURGH, closely related by blood to the HERMANS, COUNTS of HOCHERG and DUKES of ZARINGEN and TECK, had ALEXANDER, LORD of MONTAGU and CHAGNY (and an elder son EUDO, DUKE of BURGUNDY, who married THERESA, daughter of Alfonso, KING of PORTUGAL), who married BEARTICE, daughter of WILLIAM, COUNT of CHALLON, and had issue EUDO, who married ELIZABETH, the daughter of PETER of COURTNAY, EMPEROR of CONSTANTINOPLE (the son of LOUIS VI, KING of FRANCE), the widow of WALTER, COUNT of BARR, who was great-great-uncle of AGNES, the second wife of RUDOLPH, COUNT of HAPSBURGH, who afterwards became EMPEROR of GERMANY, from whom are descended the ARCH-DUKES of AUSTRIA. The issue of EUDO and ELIZABETH is as follows :



COUNT ALISAUNDRE settled in Wiltshire and had issue :

JOHN ALISAUNDRE, summoned to Parliament as first M.P. for Arundel, Sussex, 1296 (ancestor of the Sussex, Dorset, and Surrey Saunderses : Arms -- Three Bulls’ Heads); SIR ROBERT ALYSANDRE, of Melksham (ancestor of the Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Hertfordshire, and Irish Saunderses : Arms -- Three Elephants’ Heads); NICHOLAS, WILLIAM, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland, and afterwards High Sheriff of Kildare, 1300; HERMAN (in some records HARLOWEN oR HARLOVEN), ROGER, RICHARD, CECILIA, and CONSTANCE.

JOHN ALISAUNDRE had issue JOHN of Wareham, Co. Dorset, and from him descended JOHN SAUNDRE of Morden in that County, from whom came RICHARD SAUNDERS, Lord of the Manor of Piddlehinton (1408) who had issue JOHN of Bere Regis, whose son JOHN had issue THOMAS, whose son JAMES had WILLIAM of Turnerspuddle, whose son JOHN of Bere Regis married EDITH GALTON of that town, from whose family has descended SIR FRANCIS GALTON, the eminent scientist and traveller, who married Louisa Jane, daughter of Henry Montague Butler, D.D., Headmaster of Harrow; MARY ANN GALTON (Mrs. Schimmelpennick), the Authoress; SIR DOUGLAS STRUTT GALTON, K.C.B., F.R.S., D.C.L.; RT. REV. COMPTON THEODORE GALTON, J.P., D.L., HIGH SHERIFF of WORCESTERSHIRE. JAMES SAUNDERS, their son, of Sopley, Hampshire, had THOMAS whose son WILLIAM, of Bristerne in that County, had THOMAS of Bere Regis, whose son EDWARD (baptised at Ringwood Parish Church, 26th December, 1730, ob. Affpiddle, Dorsetshire, 1803) married ANN BISHOP (or BISSHOPP, BYSSHOPP), descended from RICHARD BISHOP, HIGH SHERIFF of HAMPSHIRE, 1664, whose family was connected with the Michells of Somerset, Jane of which married Sir Henry Portman (Viscount Portman’s family). Elizabeth Saunders, cousin of Edward, married William Michell, and her sister Harriett married James Morris, Governor of the Bank of England. Harriet Saunders, another cousin, married William Bishop of Cattistock, and their daughter Elizabeth married major-General Sir Francis Wheler, 10th Bart., C.B. Edward Wheler, Esq., J.P., grandson of Sir Charles Wheler, M.A., 7th Bart., and Lucy, daughter and heiress of Sir John Strange, Master of the Rolls, married Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Samuel Tertius Galton, J.P., D.L. Sir Edward Bishop was High Sheriff of Sussex (1636), and Sir Cecil Bishop was summoned to Parliament as Baron Zouch (1815). His grandfather married Ann, second daughter of Hugh Boscawen, Viscount Falmouth (see Frith’s "Naval Songs and Ballads," page 4). Their son, JOSEPH SAUNDERS, of Bovington, Dorsetshire (born 1764, brother of Thomas, who married Mary Compton of the Marquess of Northampton’s family), married JANE HOMER, a descendant of SIR THOMAS ST. OMER, HIGH SHERIFF of WILTSHIRE, whose ancestors came over with WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR (see Battle Abbey Roll). Their eldest son, THOMAS HOMER SAUNDEERS, born 1799 – John Homer, his brother, married Frances Oakley (or Oakeley) whose ancestors came out of Hampshire and Shropshire and afterwards became connected by marriage with James, 1st Duke of Chandos. Sir Herbert Oakeley, Bart., married Atholl Keturah, daughter of Charles Murry-Aynsley, fifth son of John, 3rd Duke of Atholl, K.T. See also Charles Oakley Saunders, of Liege, Belgium. (Arms : Three Bulls’ Heads) – of Watercombe, Dorsetshire, married (1) REBECCA CHAPMAN, of Stratton in that Country (Elizabeth of this family married Baptist Noel, 4th Earl of Gainsborough, whose sister Susan married Anthony, 4th Earl of Shaftesbury. Hannah Chapman married Charles Saunders, of Sneaton Castle, near Whitby, and Sir John Chapman, of West Hampnett, near Chichester, was Knighted by King James I at Tichborne, Hampshire, on 29th August, 1618. He was High Sheriff of Sussex and Surrey in 1634) whose mother was REBECCA COPPER, descended from SIR JOHN COPPER, M.P., ancestor of the EARLS of SHAFTESBURY, of Rockborne, Hampshire, and (2) MRS. JANE WALLIS (nee Jarvis), of Preston, near Weymouth, from whom there was no issue, From his first wife, REBECCA CHAPMAN, he had issue : --

    1. THOMAS CAHPMAN, (2) LUCY REBECCA, who married RICHARD GENGE, of Waterson, (3) Julietta, the wife of JAMES FORRESTER, of Bryanston, Dorset. THOMAS CHAPMAN, born in 1834, married in 1874 ANNA ELIZABETH SMITH, eldest daughter and heiress of ROBERT SMITH, of Bradford Peverall, Dorsetshire, whose ancestor was ROBERT SMITH, HIGH SHERIFF of EXETER, and ANNA FOOKS (or FOWKE), of Symondsbury, whose ancestor was WILLIAM FOWKE, of Brewood, Straffordshire, from whom has descended SIR FREDERICK FERRERS CONANT FOWKE, Bart., of Leicestershire, and had issue : --

    1. THOMAS HOMER, eldest son and heir, of whom presently.
    2. John Smith.
    3. Andrew Chapman.
    4. Robert, a Lieut., M.G.C., killed in France in Great War.


    1. Anna Elizabeth, married H.C. F. Cousin.
    2. Rebecca Chapman, died young.
    3. Alice Margaret.
    4. Mary Grace.
    5. Emily Christina.
    6. Eva Catherine.


Thomas Chapman Saunders, of Watercombe and Charminster, died in 1923, and is survived by his eldest son.

THOMAS HOMER, Banker and Author, born at Watercombe, 8th July, 1879. Twenty-sixth in a direct blood line from WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR; twenty-eighth from ROBERT, KING of FRANCE; and Thirty-fifth from CHARLEMAGNE, the Wise and Powerful, KING of the FRANKS and EMPEROR of the ROMANS (814), married LILIAN, youngest daughter of GEORGE VERNEY TOMLIN of Brighton, and took the surname of HOMER-SAUNDERS by Deed Poll in 1924.


Arms,- Gules on Cheveron Ermine between in Chief two Double-headed Eagles displayed (SAUNDERS of DEVNSHIRE) and in base a Lion Rampant crowned Or (SAUNDERS of HAHMPSHIRE and OXFORDSHIRE) a Fleur de Lys (FOWKE of STAFFORDSHIRE) between two Bulls’ Heads (SAUNDERS of SURREY) cabossed of the first, on a Chief of the third two Elephants; Heads (SAUNDERS of WARWICKSHIRE) erased Sable and for the Crest on a wreath of the colours in front of a Demi Lion Rampart Or, holding in the mouth a SPRIG of ALISAUNDRE (cutting of the Smyrnium Olusatrum, or ALEXANDER THE GREAT plant as shown in the Crest of SIR THOMAS SAUNDERS, M.P., HIGH SHERIFF of SUSSEX and SURREY, 1553), two Thistles leaved and slipped (representing the Scotch descent on her mothers’ side of his wife LILIAN) proper.






Any enquiries by members of relatives of the different branches of the family as to their own blood line should be sent to the above address.

The SAUNDERS, SANDERS, SANDARS SPRIG is the Sprig of Alexander the Great, a cutting of the Smyrnium Olusatrum plant, commonly known in this country as English Alexander. This grows in large quantities on the cliffs at Dover, and in the Fifteenth Century was frequently eaten as celery.


So now, dear Reader, when you feel

Inclined to take a wander,

Just try and find a dainty sprig

Of princely ALISAUNDER.



Further copies of these important records can be forwarded on application, together with other records which do not appear herein.



(Arms: three elephants' heads, etc.)

[Note: some individuals are listed with different fathers and/or dates on various pedigrees]


Generation A:

Name Years Father Spouse Source Location

Abra 1600- ? Michael John Waller (t) Bedworth, War

Ambrose c.1606-1678 Ambrose Alice Chapman (f) Sibbertoft, Northants

Ambrose c.1600- ? Ambrose (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Ambrose c.1608-1618+ Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Ann bapt.1619/20- ? Tobias (v,z) Amersham, Bucks

Anna c.1600- ? Humphrey (t) Bedworth, War

Anne c.1591- ? Richard Hatton Barwick (l) Wavendon, Bucks

Anne c.1600- ? Richard Robert Lovet (a) Lipscombe, Bucks

Anne c.1660- ? Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

Charles c.1660- ? Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

Constance c.1600- ? Michael William Waller (t) Bedworth, War

Edmund c.1620- ? Sir Thomas (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

Edward c.1600- ? Richard (a) Pottsgrave, Beds

Edward c.1600- ? Humphrey (t) Bedworth, War

Elizabeth c.1648- ? John (c) Woolster, Berks

Elizabeth c.1630- ? Francis (l) Dinton, Bucks

Elizabeth bapt.1617- ? Tobias Thomas Todd (m.1634) (v,z) Amersham, Bucks

Elizabeth c.1600- 1640 John Sir Walter Pye (m.1628) (l,m) Dinton, Bucks

Elizabeth c.1600- ? John Rowland Burton (m) Long Marston, Herts

Elizabeth c.1600- ? Richard Christopher Clark (l) Wavendon, Bucks

Frances c.1610- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Francis c.1630- ? Francis (l) Dinton, Bucks

Henry c.1660- ? Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

John c.1645- ? John (c) Woolster, Berks

John c.1624- ? Francis (l) Dinton, Bucks

John c.1590- ? Richard (l) Wavendon, Bucks

John c.1572-1670 unknown Alice Coles (m.1610) (c) Weeke, Wilts

Margaret c.1600- ? John Thomas Fowler (m) Long Marston, Herts

Martha c.1650- ? John (c) Woolster, Berks

Mary c.1660- ? Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

Mary c.1580- ? Laurence Shukbrugh Ashby (f) Foxton/Naseby, Leics

Mary c.1595- ? Richard William Rockhall (l) Wavendon, Bucks

Michael c.1592-1619+ Michael Ann Brasbridge (t) Bedworth, War

Richard c.1590-1634+ Richard Anne Wrey (l) Wavendon, Bucks

Richard bapt.1623- ? Tobias (v,z) Amersham, Bucks

Richard c.1595-1619+ Michael (t) Bedworth, War

Robert c.1600- 1660 Richard Mabel Howes (a) Warrendon, Bucks

Susan c.1627- ? Francis (l) Dinton, Bucks

Thomas c.1660-1704 Richard Elizabeth ______ (d) North Marston, Bucks

Thomas c.1644- ? John (c) Woolster, Berks

Thomas c.1632- ? Tobias (z) Amersham, Bucks

Thomas c.1638-1676 Ambrose Joanna Whitehall (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Thomas c.1625-1693 John Ellen Sadleir (m.1662) (e) Beechwood, Herts

Thomas c.1600-1693 John Mary Brooke (m) Beechwood, Herts

Thomas c.1625- ? Francis (l) Dinton, Bucks

Thomas c.1620- ? Sir Thomas (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

Timothy c.1589-1619+ Michael Elizabeth Foxley (t) Bedworth, War

Tobias bapt.1629/30-1695 Tobias (v,z) Amersham, Bucks

Valentine c.1661-1695/6 Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

William c.1660- ? Valentine (p) Blofield, Norf

William c.1600- ? Richard Elizabeth Norden (l) Wavendon, Bucks


Generation B:

Ambrose c.1610-1654 Ambrose Martha Cotton (f) Foxton, Leics

Ambrose c.1575-1654 Ambrose Alice Chapman (d.1623) (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Ambrose c.1575-1618+ Lawrence Martha Cotton (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Andrew c.1608-1618+ Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

Ann bapt.1594- ? Mr.(Richard?) (v) Amersham, Bucks

Anthony c.1625- ? Thomas ______ Holloway (widow) (c) Woolstor, Berks

Anthony c.1550- ? William (r) Welford, Northants

Barnard, Esq. c.1570- ? Edward (g,r) Flore, Northants

Bridget bapt.1587- ? Richard Thomas Watkins (m.1608) (v) Amersham, Bucks

Bridget c.1575- ? Edward Richard Fitzherbert (g,r) Flore, Northants

Carew c.1588- ? Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

Clement c.1611-1695 William (r) E. Haddon, Northants

Dorathey c.1550- ? William Francis Mannock (r) Welford, Northants

Dorothy c.1575- ? Edward Humphrey Newton (g,r) Flore, Northants

Edward 1588-1618+ Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

Edward c.1570- ? Edward (g,r) Flore, Northants

Elizabeth c.1630- ? John (c) Woolstor, Berks

Elizabeth bapt.1596- ? Mr.(Richard?) (v) Amersham, Bucks

Elizabeth c.1590- ? Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

Elizabeth c.1590- ? Matthew (f) Shankton, Leics

Elizabeth c.1550- ? Sir William (r) E.Haddon, Northants

Ellen/Helen c.1560- ? William William Duncombe (c) Pottsgrave, Beds

Frances c.1550- ? William (r) Welford, Northants

Francis c.1610- ? Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

Francis c.1600- ? Thomas (l) Dinton, Bucks

Francis c.1590- ? Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

Francis c.1598- ? Richard Susan Lovett (l) Dinton, Bucks

Francis, Esq. c.1590-1634+ Matthew (f,i) Shankton, Leics

Henry c.1610- ? Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

Hester c.1590- ? Edward Thomas Ashton (r) Brixworth, Northants

Humphrey c.1575- ? William Marie Tompson? (t) Bedworth, War

Jane c.1625- ? Thomas William Packer (c) Woolster, Berks

Jane c.1610- ? Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

Jane c.1590- ? Matthew John Halford (f,i,r) Shankton, Leics

John c.1620- ? Thomas Anne Cleeve (c) Woolster, Berks

John c.1600-1648 Thomas Mary Coningsby (e,m) Long Marston, Herts

John c.1610- ? Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

John bapt.1590/91- ? Richard, esq. (v) Amersham, Bucks

John, Dr. c.1585-1615+ Richard (d) North Marston, Bucks

John c.1575- ? Richard Anne Hawtrey (l,m) Dinton, Bucks

Katherine c.1590- ? Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

Laurence c.1560- ? Ambrose Frances Shukbrugh (m.1578) (f) Sibbertoft, Northants

Lettice c.1630- ? John (c) Woolstor, Berks

Margaret c.1630- ? John (c) Woolstor, Berks

Margaret c.1590- ? Matthew (f) Shankton, Leics

Margaret c.1550- ? Sir William (r) E. Haddon, Northants

Maria c.1575- ? William Golde Tompson (t) Bedworth, War

Mary c.1600- ? Lawrence Thomas Wood (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Mary c.1550- ? Sir William (r) E. Haddon, Northants

Mathew c.1600- ? Francis (r) Siresham, Northants

Michaell c.1575-1601+ William Margaret Booty (t) Bedworth, War

Millicent c.1595- ? Edward Rafe Whaley (r) Brixworth, Northants

Nicholas c.1575- ? William (t) Bedworth, War

Richard c.1600- ? Richard Elizabeth ______ (d.1656) (d) North Marston, Bucks

Richard c.1575- ? William ______ Lago (t) Bedworth, War

Richard c.1563-1639 William 1.Elizabeth Charge (m.1584) (a,l) Wavenden, Bucks

2.Frances FitzHugh (a) Pottsgrave, Beds 3.Beatrice Annesley (a) Pottsgrave, Beds

4.Frances Staunton (a) Pottsgrave, Beds

Robert c.1570- ? Edward (g,r) Flore, Northants

Roger c.1575- ? William (t) Bedworth, War

Susan c.1590- ? Edward _______ Pleydell (r) Brixworth, Northants

Susannah c.1550- ? William (a) E. Haddon, Northants

Thomas c.1630- ? Thomas Phoebe Cleeve (c) Woolstor, Berks

Thomas c.1625- ? John (c) Woolstor, Berks

Sir Thomas c.1590- ? Richard Alice Watkins (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

Thomas bapt.1593- ? Mr.Richard (v) Amersham, Bucks

Thomas c.1590- ? Matthew (f,i) Shankton, Leics

Thomas c.1570- ? Edward (g,r) Flore, Northants

Thomas c.1550- ? William (r) Welford, Northants

Thomas c.1550- ? Sir William (a,r) E. Haddon, Northants

Tobias bapt.1596-1642 Richard Isabell Willde (m.1616) (v,y,z) Amersham, Bucks

Valentine c.1625-1680 William Anne Mannock (p) Blofield, Norf

William c.1585- ? Edward (r) Brixworth, Northants

William c.1550-1618+ William Mary Brownlow (r) Welford, Northants

William c.1550-1618+ Sir William (a,r) East Haddon, Northants


Generation C:

Ambrose c.1550-1618+ Blaston Martha Cotton (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Ambrose, gent c.1580- ? unknown Martha Cotton (m.1606) (aa) Mowsley, Leics

Ambrose c.1550- ? Ambrose Alice Chapman (f,h) Sibbertoft, Northants

Anna c.1550- ? Edward ______ Gilbert (t) Bedworth, War

Anne c.1550- ? Joseph Philip Hanard (k) Faxton, Northants

Audrey c.1550- ? William Sir George Villers (a,n,q) Harrington, Northants

Blaze c.1540- ? Robert (g) Flore, Northants

Bridget c.1540-1602 Robert Robert Willoughby (a,g,r) Flore, Northants

Charles c.1575- ? Thomas d.s.p. (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

Christopher c.1540- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Dorathey c.1550-1615 Ambrose Francis Morgan (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Dorothy c.1575- ? Francis John Thornton (f,i,r) Shankton, Leics

Dorothy c.1550- ? Edward _______ Adams (t) Bedworth, War

Edward c.1540- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Edward 1556-1630 Francis Milicent Temple (m.1583) (f,i,r) Brixworth, Northants

Edward c.1540- ? William Susannah Tunbolton? (a,h,q) Harrington, Northants

Edward c.1540- ? Robert Frances Tirringham (a,g,r) Flore, Northants

Elizabeth c.1525- ? George (a,o) London

Elizabeth c.1575- ? Francis Thomas Tirringham (f,r) Welford, Northants

Frances c.1575- ? Francis Thomas Gilbert (f,i,r) Shankton, Leics

Francis c.1575- ? Francis Frances Andrew (f,i,r) Siresham, Northants

Francis c.1540- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

George c.1525- ? George (a,o) London

Hugh c.1575- ? Valentine Barbara Perient (p) Sutton Court, Midds

Jane c.1540- ? Ambrose Peter Andrew (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

John c.1590-1638 Thomas Margaret Evelyn (c) Woolstor, Berks

John c.1575- ? Valentine (p) Sutton Court, Midds

John c.1525- ? George (a) London

Laurence c.1540- ? Blaston (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Lawrence c.1560- ? Ambrose Frances Shukburgh (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Libius c.1550- ? Edward d.s.p. (t) Bedworth, War

Margery c.1540- ? Ambrose John Winchcomb (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Mark c.1561-1563 Joseph d.s.p. (k) Faxton, Northants

Mary c.1543- ? Sir Edward Thomas Morgan, esq. (a,b,g) Newbold, Northants

Mary c.1540- ? Ambrose Henry Weldon (c.1580) (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Matthew c.1575-1623 Francis Margaret Skipwith (m.1598) (f,i) Shankton, Leics

Richard c.1550- ? John (m) Beechwood, Herts

(m,e) Dinton, Bucks

Richard c.1560-1629/30 unknown Johanna Osborne (m.1582) (v,y) Amersham, Bucks

Richard senior c.1560-1629 unknown Joan _______ (bur.1614/15) (v) Amersham, Bucks

Richard c.1550-1629 unknown Ann _______ (bur.1584) (v) Amersham, Bucks Richard c.1550-1629 unknown Anne Isham (1558-1584) (s) Amersham, Bucks

Richard c.1550- ? Thomas 1.Anne Isham (d.1584) (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

2.Elizabeth Blount (l) Denton, Bucks

Richard c.1535-1602 Francis? Elizabeth ______ (d) North Marston, Bucks

Samuel c.1553- ? Rev.Laurence (j) London

Samuel c.1550-1588+ unknown (x) Coventry, War

Susanna c.1575- ? Francis Rafe Butler (f,i,r) Shankton, Leics

Thomas c.1575- ? Thomas Martha Pleydell (c) Woolstor, Bucks

Thomas c.1575- ? Thomas (l) Dinton, Bucks

Thomas c.1540- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Thomas c.1540- ? Robert (g,r) Floore, Northants

Thomas c.1525- ? George (o) London

Thomas c.1550- ? John Jane Clark (e,m) Long Marston, Herts

Valentine c.1575- ? Valentine (p) Sutton Court, Midds

Walter c.1525- ? George (o) London

William c.1575-1625 Valentine Bridget Godfrey (p) Sutton Court, Midds

William 1538- ? Thomas Anne Duncombe (a) Pottsgrave, Beds

William c.1540-1618+ Francis Anne Morgan (r) Welford, Northants

Sir William c.1525-1612+ Clement 1.Susan Reade (a,r) E. Haddon, Northants

2.Elizabeth Bagshaw (r) E. Haddon, Northants

William c.1525- ? Clement (q) Lt.Bowdon, Northants

William c.1535- ? Ambrose (r) Sibbertoft, Northants

William c.1525- ? Edward Elizabeth Purifoy (t) Bedworth, War


Generation D:

Alice c.1525- ? Laurence William Hatton (d.1546) (g) Harrington, Northants

Ambrose c.1515-1585 Thomas Mary Goodwin (f,j,q,r) Sibbertoft, Northants

Anne c.1525- 1564 Laurence 1.______ Befford (q) Harrington, Northants

2.______ Wadham (q) Harrington, Northants

3.Bartholomew Tate (a,q) Harrington, Northants

4.Sir ThomasLongville d1536 (a,g,q) Harrington,Northants

Anne c.1500-1591 Sir William Nicholas Beaumont (a,q) Lt.Bowdon, Northants

Audrey c.1525- ? Laurence William Starkey (a,q) Harrington, Northants

Blaston c.1525-1585 Thomas ______ Godwyn? (a,j) Sibbertoft, Northants

Bridget c.1500- ? Sir William Edward Browne (a) Welford, Northants

Christian c.1525-1544/5 Thomas Christopher Breton (d.1556) (g) Sibbertoft, Northants

Clement c.1500- ? Sir William Joan (Farnham) Belgrave (a,q) Lt.Bowdon, Northants

Dorothy c.1535-1600 Thomas Lawrence Eyton (d.1607) (g) Sibbertoft, Northants

Dorothy c.1500- ? Sir William Francis Ingoldsby (a,q) Lt.Bowdon, Northants

Dorothye c.1500- ? Laurence George Belgrave (a,q) Harrington, Northants

Edward c.1500- ? John Thomasine Turner (t) Bedworth, War

Sir Edward 1517/18-1576 Thomas 1.Margaret Englefield d.1563 (a,b,g) Newbold, Northants

2.Agnes Hussey (b) Newbold, Northants

Elizabeth c.1535- ? Thomas Thomas Catesby (d.1532) (a,g) Sibbertoft, Northants

Elizabeth c.1525- ? Thomas John Mitchell (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Elizabeth c.1500- ? Sir William Thomas Newman (a,q) Welford, Northants

Frances c.1534- 1606 Sir William Pawle Darrell (m.1552) (a,q) Welford, Northants

Francis c.1550- ? Francis Katherine Soone (p) Darsham, Suff

Francis c.1524-1585/6 Sir William 1.Elizabeth Carew (a,f,i,r) Welford, Northants

2.Eleanor Chaloner (a,f,i,r) Welford, Northants

3.Frances Pope (a,f,i,r) Welford, Northants

Francis c.1510-1546 unknown (d) North Marston, Bucks

George c.1500-1573 Sir William Anne Newdigate (a,o,q) Welford & London

Isabel c.1535-1587 Thomas Thomas Duncomb (c,w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Jane c.1535- ? Thomas Clement Villers (n) Sibbertoft, Northants

John c.1525- ? Thomas Elizabeth Puttenham (e,m) Agmondesham,Bucks

John c.1525- ? Thomas 1.Elizabeth Duncombe (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

2.Ursula (Yates) Lee (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Joseph c.1525-1547 Thomas Margery Yonge (a,g,j) Faxton, Northants

Katherine c.1525- ? Thomas 1.John Egerley (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

2.____ Grover (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Kinboro c.1550- ? Francis William Edgar (p) Blaxhall, Suff

Rev.Laurence 1519/20-1555 Thomas ________ (m.1549) (b,f,i,j) Shankton, Leics

Margaret c.1500- ? Sir William _____ Parker (a,q) Welford, Northants

Mary c.1525- ? Thomas ____ Ferne (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Mary c.1500- ? Sir William Ralph Bagott (a,h,q) Welford, Northants

Mary c.1500- ? Sir William John Sharpe (a,o,q) Welford, Northants

Ralf c.1500- ? Thomas? (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Richard c.1525- ? Thomas Elizabeth Saunders (w) North Marston, Bucks

Robert c.1525- ? Thomas (w) Hambleden, Bucks

Robert c.1515- ? Thomas 1.Margaret Staunton (a,r) Flore, Northants

2.Joyce Goodwyn (g) Flore, Northants

Saul c.1550- ? William (k) Brixworth, Northants

Thomas c.1550- ? unknown Martha Pleydel (c) Woolstor, Berks

Thomas c.1550- ? Thomas Mary Evelyn (a) Sibbertoft, Northants

Thomas c.1540- ? William (l) Agmondesham,Bucks

Thomas c.1525-1585 Thomas Mary Goodwine (f,j) Faxton, Northants

Thomas c.1516- 1563 Laurence (h) Harrington, Northants

Ursula c.1511- ? Sir William Thomas Haddon (m.1532) (a,q) Welford, Northants

Valentine c.1550- ? Francis Mary Pratt (p) Sutton Court, Midds

William c.1535-1583 Thomas (j) Sibbertoft, Northants

William c.1519-1582 Laurence Frances Zouch (q) Harrington, Northants

William c.1525- ? Laurence Mary Zouche (a) Harrington, Northants


Generation E:

Dorothy c.1475- ? Edward (j) Harrington, Northants

Francis c.1525-1578 unknown Alice Jay (p) Blaxhall, Suff

Grace c.1500- ? Edward Morris Osborne (a,q) Harrington, Northants

John c.1489- ? Edward (f,i,j,t) Bedworth, War

Laurence c.1475-1545 Edward Alice Brookesby (a,j) Harrington, Northants

Thomas c.1475-1528 Edward Margaret Cave (a,j) Sibbertoft, Northants

Thomas c.1475-1550 Richard Alice ____ (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Sir William c.1489-1542 Edward 1.Dorothy Belgrave (m.1510) (a,j) Welford, Northants 2.Dorothy Young (a) Welford, Northants


Generation F:

Edward c.1450-1514 John Joan St.Owen?(d.1514) (a,f,i,j) Harrington, Northants

Richard c.1450-1524 William Alice ____(d.1540) (w) Agmondesham,Bucks

Rev.William c.1430-1452 John (a) Hinton, Northants


Generation G:

John c.1410-1506 Robert (a,f,i,j) Harrington, Northants

Thomas living 1444 Robert (a) Harrington, Northants

William Mayor 1469 Robert (a) Coventry, War

William c.1425-1480 unknown Isobel (d.1497) (w) Agmondesham,Bucks


Generation H:

Robert c.1380-1439? unknown (a,f,i,j) Harrington, Northants

Roger living 1402 unknown (brother of Robert?) (a) Wendlebury, Oxon




(a)"Biographical Notes from the Northamptonshire Visitation of 1616", by John Holland, n.d., unpublished manuscript, pp.30 & 31.

(b)Dictionary of National Biography, 1882, xvii:811, Sir Edward Saunders; xvii:816, Laurence Saunders, martyr.

(c)Founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, by Sarah Saunders Smith, 1897, pp.4 & 5, Thomas Saunders of Woolstor, Co. Berks.

(d)History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham, by George Lipscomb, 1847, i:336, Saunders of North- Marston.

(e)History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, by Robert Clutterbuck, 1815, i:362, Sebright & Saunders (Richard Saunders of Denton).

(f)History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester, by John Nichols, 1798, ii:564-565, Saunders of Foxton & Sibbertoft; ii:792, Saunders of Shankton; ii:893, Additions & Corrections.

(g)History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton, by George Baker, 1836, i:27, Longueville of Little Billing (Anne); i:114, Eyton of Brockhole (Dorothy); i:153, Saunders of Flore (Robert); i:196, Holdenby & Hatton of Holdenby (Alice); i:220 Breton of Teton (Christian); i:293, Saunders of Newbold (Sir Edward); i:538, Catesby of Hinton & Althorp (Elizabeth).

(h)History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, by John Bridges, ed. by Rev. Peter Whalley, Oxford, 1791; i:593 (Welford), ii:33 (Harrington), ii:75 (Sibertoft).

(i)History of the Parish of Langton, by John Harwood Hill, 1867, p.61, Saunders of Shangton (Rev.Laurence).

(j)Lawrence Saunders the Martyr, and His Friends, by J. Hixon Irving, 1903?, pp.12 & 13 (Lawrence ancestry).

(k)Victoria History of the County of Northampton, 4:152 (Brixworth Manor), 4:170 (Faxton Manor).

(l)Visitation of Buckingham 1634, Harleian Society Publications, 58:109-111, Sanders of Wavendon, Sanders of Dinton al's Donington, and Saunders of Denton.

(m)Visitations of Hertfordshire 1572 & 1634, Harleian Society Publications, 22:90, Saunders of Beechwood.

(n)Visitation of Leicester 1619, Harleian Society Publications, 2:29, Villers (Audrey & Jane); 2:67, Belgrave (Dorothy); 2:125, Cave (Margaret).

(o)Visitation of London 1568, Harleian Society Publications, i:34, Saunders (George of London).

(p)Visitation of Norfolk 1664, Harleian Society Publications, 86:190, Saunders (Francis of Blaxhall).

(q)Visitation of Northampton 1564, p.44, Saunders of Little Bowdon (Clement); p.45, Saunders of Harington (Laurence).

(r)Visitation of Northamptonshire 1618-19, p.131, Saunders of Briksworth, Welford & Syresham (William); p.132, Saunders of Sibbertoft (Ambrose); Appendix p.195, Saunders of Floore (Robert); Appendix p.196, Saunders of East Haddon (Clement).

(s)Visitation of the County of Northampton in the year 1681, Harleian Society Publications, 87:135, Morgan of Kingsthorp; 87:150, Newton of Yardley Hastings; 87:236, Weltden of Thornby; 87:250, Isham of Lamport.

(t)Visitation of Warwick 1619, Harleian Society Publications, 12:371, Saunders (John of Northamp.).

(u)Visitation of Yorkshire 1563-4, Harleian Society Publications, 16:51, Cave (Margaret).

(v)Vital Records from Amersham Parish Registers, Bucks Record Office, Aylesbury, 1997.

(w)Will of Thomas Saunders of the Bury, Agmondesham, Co. Bucks, proved 10 June 1550.

(x)Will of Johane Brownell of Coventry, widow, proved 22 April 1590. Drury, 24.

(y)Will of Richard Saunders of Agmondesham, miller, proved in Buckingham, November, 1630.

(z)Will of Tobias Saunders of Amersham, inn holder, proved in Buckingham, 20 Feb., 1642/3.

(aa) Index Library, vol. 38, p.356, Leicestershire Marriage Licenses, 1570-1729. (Ambrose)

PAS 8/7/98


My thanks to Paul Saunders for submitting this information.




The Genealogie of "Anderson Saunders" Esq. of Newtown Laundries, in the County of Micklon [Wicklow], originally descended and deriving his pedigree from Sir Harlowen who came into England in or about the year 1170 [1370?], and deriving his pedigree from Robert, Lord of Insprunck [Innsbruck] in Germany, who was second brother of Rudolph, Count of Habspurge [Hapsburg], who became Emperor [1273-1291], whose successor became the Archdukes of Austria, Princes, Kings of many countries, as our ancient and authentic annals give an account. Transcripts of which have been carefully preserved and lineally transmitted to the ancestors of Charles Lynegar (alias) O. Lunnin, who was successively chief antiquarres of this Kingdom of Ireland; and his great grandfather by presenting the King at Arms of England at that time with the Genealogies of the Nobilities of Ireland in remembrance thereof, obtained them from the said King at Arms, the pedigree of all the most ancient and honorable families in the Kingdom of England.


Therefore the said Charles Lynegar having these transcripts did from thence bring out the following genealogies of the said Anderson Saunders, at Trinity College the 2nd day of May, 1718 A.D.


Robert, Lord of Insprunck in Germany, who begat Charles senior, Lord of Insprunck in Germany, who begat Charles Jr., 3rd Lord of Insprunck in Germany, who begat David, who begat Robert, who begat Enda, who begat Saunders, by Annulla, daughter [of] Hebe the Prince of Denmark. The said Saunders was the first of his family surnamed Saunders; who begat Harlowen Saunders, who came into England in or about the year 1170. He married Marianna, daughter of Sir Edward Marsh, who was lineally derived of the Saxon race. He had by her Sir Robert Saunders, who married Dorothy Vickers of Lancashire and had by her Sir Charles Saunders, who married Agnes Fosthe, of Gloucestershire, and had by her Sir Edward Saunders, who married Anna Field of Lancashire and had by her Sir Robert Saunders, who married Julianna Savage of Rock Savage in England and had by her Sir Richard Saunders, who married Susannah Austurn of Kentington in Kent, and had by her Sir Edward Saunders, who married Catherine Pelkington, a Knightly family of good antiquity, and had by her Sir Robert Saunders, who married Judith Russel of Bedford, who lineally descended of the How family of the Earl of Medevia, Marshals of France, and had by her Sir Harlowen Saunders, who married Marianna M. Lidger, then Knight of the most noble order of the Garter; and had by her Sir Robert Saunders, who married Honory Forth of Gloucestershire, and had by her Sir Charles Saunders, who married Dorothy Parsons, and had by [her] Sir Robert Saunders, who married Anabella, daughter of Marmaduke Humphrey of Kent, and had by her Sir Harlowene Saunders, eldest son, also Robert and Charles and Richard Saunders Esq., who married Mary Stanley of Hutton, and had by her Sir Robert Saunders Esq., who married Julianna Harrison of Yorkshire and had by her Richard Saunders Esq., who married Elizabeth Forth and had by her Robert Saunders Esq.


Said Robert Saunders came over to Ireland with Oliver Cromwell and had a Regiment under him, was made Governor of Kinsale, said Kingdom by said Oliver, and served under him in all his wars in the Kingdom, particularly at the seige of Droghede [Drogheda] where he eminently distinguished himself and was wounded. (It is presumed to be about this time that one Tobias, with two brothers by the name of Saunders, left England and came over to the New World, America.) He begat Anderson Saunders, his third son, who married Elizabeth Batters [Battersby?], of Battersly Coast [Battersby Court] in the city of Westminster, and had by her Anderson Saunders, Esq., who married Lucy Wymen of Hallwood, Co. of Sligo, in Ireland, and had by her one son Richard and one daughter Anna. The said Anderson Saunders afterwards married Miss Elizabeth Childers of Yorkshire Co. in England, by whom he had Anderson, William and Elizabeth Saunders. Anderson married Catherine Atherton of Walton Hall, Lancashire, and had by her Anderson Childers Saunders, (also William, John, Charles, Robert, Richard and Issabella) who married Frances Godfrey, by whom he had Hugh Walbank Childers Saunders, also Anna, Frances, Jane, Allice, Eliza, Harriet and Felicia.


The above Anderson Saunders Esq., for whom this Genealogy is faithfully transcribed, bears as his paternal "Coat Armor" as follows.


Argent [silver] - a Cheveron [chevron] between three elephants' heads, erased sable [black], on the chief gules [red] a sword erected, broken pointed, raper [proper?] between two plates: and for his Crest on a helmet, befitting his degree, an elephant's head issuing out of crown murel [mural], argent, charged with an ogress mouth, gules double argent. Motto - Genitum Secredere Mundo.




SAUNDERS COURT, CO. WEXFORD. Descended from Joseph Saunders, Esq., of Saunders Court, eldest son of Col. Robert Saunders, who went to Ireland with Oliver Cromwell, was made by him Governor of Kinsale, and had a grant of 3,725 acres in co. Wexford, 1666. The heiress of this family, Jane, only dau. of Richard Saunders, Esq., of Saunders Court, m. 1730, Arthur, 1st Earl of Arran, to whom she conveyed the estates.


SAUNDERS GROVE, CO. WICKLOW. Descended from Robert Saunders, Esq., of Dublin, Prime Sergeant 1693, second son of Col. Robert Saunders, Governor of Kinsale, male line extinct. The heiress, Cordelia, dau. of Morley Saunders of Saunders Grove, Prime Sergeant 1712, m. George Pendred, Esq., to whom she conveyed the estates.


NEWTOWN SAUNDERS, CO. WICKLOW; AND LARGAY, CO. CAVAN. Descended from Anderson Saunders, Esq., of Newtown Saunders, third son of Col. Robert Saunders, Governor of Kinsale, whose direct male descendant and representative, Saunders, of Largay, is, by the termination of the two senior lines in heiresses, heir male of the family.





The ancient lords of Insbruck, in the Austrian Tyrol, are claimed as the ancestors of this family. Sir Harloven Saunders, who came to England about 1370, traced his descent from Robert, Lord Insbruck, brother of Rodolph, County of Hapsburgh and later Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1273-1291).


The family, whose name has been variously spelled as SAUNDERS, SAUNDER and SAUNDRES, held lands in the shires of Northampton and Buckingham until the reign of Charles II (1660-1685).


About this time, the family removed to Ireland, acquiring lands in the County of Wicklow. The family later obtained properties in Kildare, Meath and Dublin. In Ireland, members of the family were active in local government, several of them holding the postion of magistrate for the County of Wicklow.


Other members of the family won distinction in the armed forces; in the army John Stratford Saunders attained the rank of lieutenant-general, his nephew Edward Henry Saunders, serving in the Royal Navy, was killed while sailing home an American ship captured during the War of 1812.


In America, the name is found among the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It is interesting to note that when Benjamin Franklin published his famous "Poor Richard's Almanac", he used the pen-name of Richard Saunders.




"In the earliest records of England we find the family of Alexander (spelt Alisaundre, Alisandre) holding important positions as early as 1250. Count Alexander, from France, settled in Wiltshire. His eldest son, John Alisaundre, summoned to Parliament as first M.P. for Arundel, Surrey, 1291 [1296?], became the ancestor of the Sussex, Dorset & Surrey Saunderses. Arms - Three bulls heads. The second son, Sir Robert Alysandre of Meltsham, Wilts, was the ancestor of the Wiltshire, Warwickshire, Hertfordshire & Irish Saunderses. Arms - Three elephants heads. Younger sons were Nicholas, William, Herman, Roger and Richard."




"This family have been seated in the Centrical Counties of England many ages particularly at Hetherington, annciently spelled Arintone, since Harrington in the Hundred of Rothwell, County of Northampton. Arintone is bounded on the East side by Rothwell, on the North by Arthingworth & on the West & South by Kelmarsh Yorton. The old Manour House stands on a high site, the lands contain according to Doomsday Book 10 Carracutes in Demesne, 17 Villians [villeins], 13 Cottages, 4 free Sounen [?] & 4 mills. 12 Henry 3rd [1228] it was presented by John DeMontainti to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, at which time the Saunders Family were the Anncient Tennants here. They afterwards held these lands of the Prior Hospitallers by Fealty, untill the Dissolutions of the Monasteries by Henry 8th when their Descendants, by the Inquisition taken 36 said reign [1545], was found to have held them of the King. The Family is of Saxon origin & annciently spelled their name Saundhurst."

PAS 4/29/98



Reply-to: glyn.davies@cwcom.net

Hello Jefferson, I have gone through all the colliery casualty lists and made the following extraction’s:-


Black Vein, Risca, Dec 1st 1860, 142 dead. Father and son.

Isaac Saunders, aged 42, choke damp

Llewellyn Saunders, aged 11, came out alive but burnt, died Dec 6 1860.

New Tredegar Colliery, Explosion, Sat Dec 3 1875, 22 dead.

George Saunders, unmarried of Troedyrhiwfuwch


Tylorstown, Jan 28 1896, 57 dead

Robert Saunders, widower


Middle Duffryn, Aberdare, explosion Dec 12 1850

William Saunders, aged 12, doorboy


Ferndale Colliery explosion, Nov 8 1867, 159 dead

Benjamin Saunders, aged 20


Park Slip, Tondu, Aug 26 1892, 110 dead

Herbert Saunders


Albion Colliery, Cilfynydd, Sat 25 Jun 1894, 281 dead

Fred Sanders, aged 21 of 4 Evan’s Houses

Charles Saunders, aged 43 of 53 Anne Street


Abercarn, Fire and Flood, Sept 11 1878, 259 dead

Henry Saunders, aged 15

Richard Saunders, aged 37.