
The Crash of Wellington 9702

My father was a rear gunner in Sunderland's, Wellington's and also served in Catalina's. On Nov 6 1941 he was on a training flight in Wellington 9702. The flight took off at 1600 hrs from Atherstone aerodrome ( satellite aerodrome of Wellesbourne Mountford) , and crashed at 1710 south of the aerodrome over Atherstone Rd as a result of engine failure. (In haystacks in front paddock of large country house).

As a result of the accident, an oxygen bottle thrown 1/4 mile and an engine thrown 100 yards

All survivors taken to EMS Hospital at Stratford-upon-Avon

An interesting note - during the early 60's my father returned to the aerodrome, and the billets in which he had been staying (Officer's quarters), had returned to their original use - pig sty's

A Wellington bomber, similar to the one in the crash

If anyone has any more information on this incident, please email me.