
Simpson Desert - Hay River 2009

Day 4 - Innaminka - Birdsville


Packing up camp was the order of the morning as we all set to getting our cars ready for the 8am departure time. Our first shot at decamping saw all but the Thrifts ready to go at the designated time – a pattern would soon emerge…..

25 kilometres out of camp and we hit our first official sand dune for the trip; it may have been small, but it was a significant event in context. The trip was taking us to Walkers crossing  and along the way we encountered lots of winding , sandy tracks and the first of many corrugations. Matthew and Brett had the Pathfinder doing as described – finding paths, and the rough roads began to shake the newly created shelf system in the Kargas car to bits and loosen Tim’s nuts (on his aerial he said!). We can’t not mention the damage done to gerry’s ankle at this point, but this was the unfortunate result of him jumping off a wrecked car after a photo shoot and cannot in any way be attributed to the state of the roads encountered on this part of the trip!

After a short drive up the Birsdville track saw us arriving at the Birdsville pub for a few well earned beers and photos of the Hume Off-Road sticker adorning the doorway. We booked into the campground and set about finding a reasonable site to pitch our tents when the oddest of events overtook the group. Hayden began to hyperventilate and even Tim and Ivan had a tear in their eye; a surprise visit to Birdsville by Steve and Sandy Gunderson and family (all the way from Townsville) proved the old adage that even the toughest nut will crack!

The night was spent having a pleasant but rather crowded dinner at the pub, a few beers and back home for a well earned sleep on the eve of the first rest day of the tour.

Yep, that's where we're going

Gerry and Narelle at Walkers Crossing

The kids check out the memorial

Morning Tea at Walkers Crossing

More firewood - two nights at Birdsville, so need heaps

Tim with his load

Here we are - Birdsville!

First stop - Birdsville Pub - Matt and Ben outside the door - but what's that up above - a Hume OffRoad sticker!!

Inside, it's a pub of great character and history

Those girls are having way too much fun!

Who's this bloke??  Number One! - Stevie G, Sandy and Matt and Steph drove all the way from Townsville just to spend a couple of days with us - and a surprise at that - legends guys!!

Gerry telling a tale or two

Good food, good wine, and good friends - it was a terrible night

Lookout - kids have found the pool table again (glad they like pool!!)
